Completed Projects

Project  Client Value
Cyanide and STP Expansion Project AngloGold Ashanti US$ 510,000.00
Stabilisation of the Sansu Tailings Storage Facility AngloGold Ashanti US$ 700,000.00
Raise of Sansu Tailings Dam AngloGold Ashanti US$ 2,100,000.00
Mining of Tailings Material from Boete Dams AngloGold Ashanti US$ 3,800,000.00
Mining of Tailings Material from Pompora Dams AngloGold Ashanti US$ 4,300,000.00
Structural Repair Works on the Homasi Aqua Culture Project AngloGold Ashanti US$ 270,000.00
Construction of South Tailings Storage Facility AngloGold Ashanti